
Pigeon pizza

March 18th, 2013

Our little girl is a water lover. As such, it is very hard to get her away from any kind of water game, such as this:

water games
So for getting her out of her bath, we have to use our imagination to avoid having the evening end in tears.
Last night, it was almost too easy, or so we thought: supper menu was pizza, one of her favourites. Here is how it went:

Me: Weißt du, was es haute zum Abendessen gibt? (Do you know what we’ll have for supper tonight?)
She: Saucisses? (Sausages?)
Me: Nein. Was anderes, was du gerne isst. (No, something else you like a lot.)
She: Mammonaise? (Her word for mayonnaise.)
Me: Nein, was Rundes mit Käse drauf, das Papa in den Ofen schiebt. (No, something round with cheese on top, and daddy puts it into the oven.)
She: ?
Daddy intervenes: “Pi-”
She: “-geon.”

In the end, Daddy took the pizza from the fridge and showed her. (“Ah, pizza!”)
I can’t remember the last time she was so willing to leave her bath. 🙂

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