

August 15th, 2011

After two weeks of two-on-one (that is, Mommy and Daddy with Baby 24/7 or pretty much so), our baby girl has returned home with many new impressions (such as 17°C North Sea water is very nice, fine dry sand on the beach above however is not), but with very little new expressions.
If pressed, I’d come up with “MMMMM!!!” accompanied by an insistently pointing finger and not much more. Recognisable vocabulary is still restricted to “mama(mam)” and “papa(pa)”, and though there seems to be more babbling or “jargon”, the only other notable syllable, other than the above-mentioned “MMMMM”, is “BAP! which can mean anything at any time.
So yes, she wants to finish that joghurt by herself, and yes, she starts walking, and probably her passive vocabulary has grown too. Time will tell.
Meanwhile, back to life-as-usual 🙁

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