
Posts tagged ‘research’

L’équipe du Labo Bébé de l’université Paris Descartes a publié son premier newsletter sur leur recherche. J’aime bien l’illustration de la cabine insonorisée: Vous pouvez lire leur newsletter en cliquant ici (fichier PDF).

Aujourd’hui, j’ai reçu cet article d’un ami : C’est vrai qu’on se demande comment ils font. Et moi, je me demande aussi, comment font les chercheurs pour obtenir leurs réponses ? Ils doivent trouver des moyens ingénieux, comme nous avons vu nous-mêmes lors de nos diverses participations à des études sur l’acquisition du langage.

Gender research

February 15th, 2013

Don’t worry, we didn’t try to find out if our girl is really a girl – we just helped a researcher at the BabyLab of the “Laboratoire de Sciences Cognitives et Psycholinguistique” (their website has changed, by the way) in her study of whether 31-months-old toddlers already distinguish between “le” and “la” in the French […]

The obvious answer is yes. In a recent study of monolingual French infants aged 20 months, researchers introduced them to new words in a foreign language in an attempt to find out if and how easily they would assimilate them. They came to the conclusion that the results obtained in the study show that 20-months-old […]

We never tire of research, it seems. The “BabyLab – LBB” of the Laboratoire Psychologique de la Perception at Paris V – Descartes University still has us in the files (from this participation at 10 months), and this time they were looking for 16-months-old babies. So we went there for a study on the use […]

Deutschsprachige Artikel zu dem Thema finde ich nicht so häufig, aber hier ist einer, in der Form eines Interviews mit einer Forscherin des Babysprachlabors an der Universität Konstanz: “Mehrsprachigkeit hat positive Effekte”

In the TED talks series, here is one on language acquisition that shows some quite fascinating findings. Watch it here.

This week I came across an article about a new university study on bilingual babies. The study, published online Aug. 17 in Journal of Phonetics, is the first to measure brain activity throughout infancy and relate it to language exposure and speaking ability. […] [The study’s observations] suggest[s] that the bilingual brain remains flexible to […]

More research!

May 6th, 2011

Today we took our now ten-months-old girl to the Laboratoire Psychologique de la Perception at Paris V – Descartes University. She got to listen to a two-syllable sound (“ka-ba”) that was pronounced with different stresses, and by German and French native speakers. A light would blink on her left or right, and when she looked […]

Über eine Nachricht in einem Netzwerk kam ich zu diesem Post des Blogs “SprachenNetz”: Wie lernen Kleinkinder Fremdsprachen? Der Artikel beschreibt einen ähnlichen Versuch wie den, an dem wir teilgenommen haben: Im Forschungslabor „WortSchatzinsel“ am Georg-Elias-Müller Institut für Psychologie sehen die Kinder während des Versuchs auf einem großen Bildschirm Bilder und kurze Filme, gleichzeitig werden […]

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