
Posts tagged ‘grammar’

Interviewing Grandma

July 11th, 2015

After reading a book in which the protagonist interviews various people (with sometimes outlandish questions!) for her school newspaper, and a first experiment of Interviewing Mommy, here is finally the long-awaited, hilarious Interview with Grandma This interview is already two months old, it was made only a few days after our then not-quite-5-year-old girl interviewed […]

Interviewing Mommy

April 27th, 2015

We’ve been reading a book where the protagonist interviews various people for her school newspaper. That gave my daughter the idea to interview me. And what better way to record her vocabulary and sentence structure? And her imagination, of course! Enjoy “Interview with Mommy” in three parts (and in German, our minority language): interview part […]

Compound words

October 24th, 2013

German is well-known for its compound word, which are somewhat of a cliché even to those who don’t speak the language, with famous terms such as “Donaudampfschiffffahrtsgesellschaftskapitän(smütze)” or the recently revoked law “Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertragungsgesetz” (no joke). My daughter has her own category of compound words: Fledermausschaf/Fledermaushund/Fledermaus[insert animal of the day here] When she pretends to be […]

We both noticed recently that our little girl (3 years 3 months) builds her mixed sentences with the verb at the end. So while French vocabulary is dominant, in grammar, German seems to rule. Interesting, isn’t it? An example from tonight: Moi veux lieber à la salon dormir. (Notice also that she still uses “la” […]

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