
Archive for the ‘mischief’ category

I’m lucky because

September 23rd, 2013

Last week I had a good laugh: I came home from work  as my daughter was eating her dessert – an ice cream cone. I said “An ice cream? You’re lucky!” To which she replied: “Yes, I’m lucky that Daddy hasn’t eaten them all!”

Yesterday morning, my little girl made me laugh. She took my arm, looked at my watch (upside down) and declared “C’est l’heure pour chocolat.” (It’s time for chocolate.) Of course I had to share that story with my mom. So when we called her last night for a little chat, with the loudspeaker on so […]

Ich packe meinen Koffer

June 3rd, 2013

Ein paar Tage, bevor wir zur Oma fuhren, wollte ich unsere Tochter darauf einstimmen und ihr erzählen, dass wir frühmorgens zum Bahnhof fahren, dann erst einen und danach einen anderen Zug nehmen, und dass die Oma uns am Bahnhof abholt. Ich habe also angefangen: “Donnerstagmorgen nehmen wir unsere Koffer und-” Sie: “Et les fraises!” Ich […]

Corsair cow?

May 25th, 2013

The other day, I showed my little girl some photos of a newborn calf a friend had sent me: Her reaction: “Oh, c’est mignon !” Her reaction: “Pirate !”

Snowmen and cows

April 21st, 2013

We’re entering the stage of the strange/funny statements. Here’s what our little girl said today (the photo is from January though): It left us ??? If you have an explanation, I’d love to hear it.

Comme ça

April 3rd, 2013

Entre la maison et le square, il y a un lycée avec un beau portail. Pour des raisons que j’ignore, ma fille adore monter les trois marches, se positionner, et tenir un discours. L’autre jour, j’avais pris l’appareil photo pour aller au square, et j’en ai profité au retour pour capter son ou plutôt ses […]

Stop this bus!

February 1st, 2013

Just a fun moment from this morning: Like every morning, my girl and I ride the bus one stop on our way to the nanny’s. Like every morning, I tell her “Wir steigen gleich aus” (“we’ll get off the bus in a moment”) as the bus approaches the bus stop. Like every morning, she gets […]

Too much Pippi?

October 21st, 2012

I thought it was good fun to introduce my little girl to Pippi Longstocking. Even more so when I discovered there’s a new illustrated editon with the most lovely pictures. Nostalgic as I am, they made me ditch my old copy with the black-and-white drawings. (Besides, the new one has the new German spelling and […]

Strictly literal obedience

November 9th, 2011

Yesterday my little girl (16 months and counting) showed her caregiver just how good her comprehension is already: Both she and the other little girl (J, 12 months) at the caregiver’s were eating a piece of bread. That is, my girl had already finished hers and was eyeing that of little J. More than eyeing […]

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