
As I mentioned recently, French is becoming the dominant language in my girl’s active vocabulary. Being the bilingualism-obsessed mother that I am, I’ll let you imagine the joy with which I greet exclamations such as the one today in the car: “Papa, c’est grün!”

As an aside, this is her mother’s daughter. In my own mother’s collection of memorable utterances, you will find em recorded with “Mein lieber Freund, es ist grün.” – “My dear friend [ironically], the light is green.” Albeit at a later age (kindergarten).

When I lamented my minority-language status to her daddy, he pointed out that she has taken to saying “ja” and “nein” to me instead of “oui” and “non”. I’ve since paid attention to it, and it seems to be fairly consequent.
It’s a start. 🙂

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