
French is becoming dominant

November 26th, 2012

If the number of French words and the almost exclusively French phrases I hear from my daughter (29 months) these days weren’t enough, French is now also taking over her German words.

She still says “kä” when she refers to cheese with us, but the nanny has reported her to say “fromage” when “kä” didn’t get the desired result. But “recently, “coussin” has replaced “ki” for “Kissen” (cushion or pillow).

A cow is still either a “vache” or a “Kuh”, though I’m not sure what that depends on. The other day she was sitting on the sofa and suddenly requested a plush cow sitting on the shelf, then hugged her saying “câlin kuh”, but a bit later she hugged her again saying “câlin vache”.

Her daddy reports the other morning she looked at the list of a series picture books at the end of one book of the series and pointed to the cover image of another she owns, asking “Wo ist die da?” (She doesn’t distinguish articles yet, the correct sentence would be “Wo ist das da?”.) That would be her first full German sentence, I’d like to hear it myself.

Here’s hoping that our upcoming stay with Oma will activate her passive German vocabulary. That would be the best Christmas present I could wish for. 🙂

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