
Posts tagged ‘motor skills’

Can’t you pay attention?

August 14th, 2015

Summer holidays are full of fun and an occasion to try out new things. When on the third day in our German holiday resort, the kids in the surrounding holiday homes were outside playing after supper, our 5-year-old decided she wanted to join them on skates. (She’d only skated once so far.) So that’s what […]

Comme ça

April 3rd, 2013

Entre la maison et le square, il y a un lycée avec un beau portail. Pour des raisons que j’ignore, ma fille adore monter les trois marches, se positionner, et tenir un discours. L’autre jour, j’avais pris l’appareil photo pour aller au square, et j’en ai profité au retour pour capter son ou plutôt ses […]

Papier(e) bitte!

September 9th, 2012

Our girl has taken to scribbling with ball-point pens whenever she can get hold of them. And when she does, she asks for “papi” (Papier in German or papier in French, paper). With results that to our surprise look like this:

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