
Posts tagged ‘cows’

Interviewing Mommy

April 27th, 2015

We’ve been reading a book where the protagonist interviews various people for her school newspaper. That gave my daughter the idea to interview me. And what better way to record her vocabulary and sentence structure? And her imagination, of course! Enjoy “Interview with Mommy” in three parts (and in German, our minority language): interview part […]

Counting with cows

June 3rd, 2013

You might have noticed we like cows. The other day, near my aunt’s, we drove past the local elementary school. Next to it was a farm, and two young cows were curiously looking through the fence. (Maybe they were hoping, like Pippi Longstocking, that some wisdom would come out the window and stick with them.) […]

Corsair cow?

May 25th, 2013

The other day, I showed my little girl some photos of a newborn calf a friend had sent me: Her reaction: “Oh, c’est mignon !” Her reaction: “Pirate !”

I know what’s on my head

January 27th, 2013

A week or two ago, the nanny told us about an incident that had occurred in the hall of her apartment building when they had met a neighbour. Our girl was wearing this: The neighbour: “C’est un beau chapeau!” (“What a nice hat!”) Our girl: “C’est pas chapeau!” (“That’s not a hat!”) The neighbour, amused: […]

Die Kuh macht…

September 24th, 2011

Wir sind die kuh-verrückteste Familie, die ich kenne. Wir haben Kühe in allen Formen, Farben und Größen. Mein Computer und mein Telefon muhen, meine Bettdecke ist schwarz-weiß gefleckt, und unsere Kuhsammlung steht in einem Regal, das bis zur Decke geht. Wir fahren jedes Jahr in die Normandie und gehen mehrmals auf die Landwirtschaftsausstellung. Unsere Website […]

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