
Talking, talking, talking!

August 20th, 2012

We’re back from our holidays, and I realise just how much more our little girl (two years and one month) is saying these days. Ask her yes-no questions and you will get a real answer, sometimes a heartfelt “oh oui!” and at others a definite “ah non!”.

There are more two-word sentences coming, notably in combination with “au revoir” when she goes away from something (“au revoir de l’eau” for water – swimming pool or other – or “au revoir brumbrum” when we left the car in a parking lot to enter the supermarket). Today I heard “voilà maman”, and of course I get “bonjour maman” and “au revoir maman” on a daily basis.

Daddy has worked during the holidays to make her say “chat” instead of “mau”, which she does now, I just haven’t managed to record it. The delightful tone of her voice when she speaks of cats is something I absolutely want to capture.

She says “bonjour” to everyone she meets these days, and if they don’t answer, she’ll repeat it. During our holiday in Canada, she picked up the local farewell greeting which evolved over two weeks from “ba-ba” to a proper and recognisable “bye-bye”.

Here’s what I managed to record this morning on the way to the nanny’s:



In the second one you can hear her say “Papagei” as she looks for the parrots that are sometimes (but not today) in their cage on a ground-floor balcony.

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